Parent Coaching Services
Limits with Love
A strengths-based and structured approach to modifying behaviors and building emotional resiliency in the home setting for toddlers through teens.
Are you experiencing these common parenting struggles?
Endless power struggles that leave everyone feeling drained.
Your child refusing to follow simple, reasonable requests.
Over-the-top reactions to seemingly small issues.
Wondering, “Why does everything have to be so hard or feel like a battle?”
Yes? Limits with Love may be exactly what you need!
Parenting Doesn’t Come with a Manual
Parenting is complex, especially when considering each child’s unique personality and the goodness of fit between parent and child. Add factors like a disability or giftedness, and the complexity increases significantly. Seeking support or guidance is not a sign of failure—it’s a sign of strength.
Even as the expert on your own child, it’s hard to gain perspective from inside the bubble of daily life. No matter your background or experience with children, behavior, or mental health, it’s okay to ask for help. Recognizing and accepting your limitations is the first step toward finding solutions.
Heather understands firsthand the challenges of parenting a twice-exceptional (2e) child. When she sought structured parent coaching, she realized that most approaches were either too conversational or overly rigid, like ABA therapy. She wanted a balanced, data-driven approach—and when she couldn’t find it, she decided to create it.
Heather combines a love of data and analytics with a passion for helping families. She excels at turning subjective parenting challenges into actionable, logical strategies. If you’re a parent who thrives on using logic and analytics to guide your approach, Heather is the perfect partner to help you navigate parenting with confidence and clarity.
Parent Coaching Services: Limits with Love
Schedule a free 30 minute consultation with Heather to determine if this is the right approach for you.
Single Parent Coaching Session
One 90-minute virtual session for $300
Parent Coaching Package
Includes a 90-minute initial assessment, 60-minute in-home observation, treatment plan, and five 60-minute coaching sessions
for $1,500
Group Parent Coaching
Twice monthly, 120-minute group coaching for parents, in-person and virtual options available. Get expert guidance and peer support for only $150 per person, per month, for a three month commitment.